And below is my original, lengthier piece.
What is it about burqa-clad/veiled Muslim women that gets so many people’s goats? Such condescension, such disdain! Especially from women, and surprisingly to me, from Muslim women who choose not to wear the veil. Note: None of condescending/disdainful/disapproving women’s voices come from ladies who actually choose to wear the hijab/burqa. Like myself. Or so many other fantastic Muslimahs [female Muslims] I have interacted with in real life and online. Like regular girls, we like our share of laughs, our silly (oftentimes risqué) jokes, our music, our sports, our books and what have you. The only difference is we have chosen to wear the hijab, others haven’t. I don’t hold it against you that you don’t want to wear something, why must you hold it against us if we do? Or rather, and this is what I’m getting at, what gives anyone the right?
I recall the hue and cry from not so long ago regarding France’s ban on the full face veil. The intense debates online, especially on the worst forum for having any debate: the 140-characters-a-time-restricted Twitter. What a waste. To me, the debate was not about man’s gross injustices upon womankind over the ages, nor forcing women to cover up, nor was it about culture-over-religion, nor about a misreading of religious texts [‘It doesn’t say hijab anywhere in the Qur’an!’]. These were beside the point, which was: a matter of choice. Anyway, what happens in France can stay in France. The good thing is it opens up a very interesting subject for discussion.
One of the most endearing lines of the Qur’an to me, is the beginning of verse 2:256: ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion.’ I read it in the broader sense of ‘I cannot impose my religious will/practices/dictates on you, and you will kindly return the favour to me.’ Please note, it works both ways. This verse tells hardliners not to enforce their strict, often unreasonable rules, on others. It also demands that the other extreme not judge and rail against those who choose a certain way of life, dress and conduct. A more conservative way of life, if you will. No compulsion either which way.
Both works convey a slight puzzlement at conservative Islam. Maryam Jameelah in ‘The Convert’ and Maya’s brother Sohail in ‘The Good Muslim’ are individuals who go the whole hog in terms of Islamic convention. In the former, Maryam opts for complete seclusion, full burqa, no physical contact with the outside world etc. In the novel, Sohail undergoes a transformation beginning with a change to ‘the garb of the faithful’, and eventually he moves to the strictest Islamic lifestyle [or his interpretation of it], and a severance with even his family and friends. In both cases, the author/narrator’s reaction is perplexed. Why this change? HOW can anyone think and choose this voluntarily? This here then is my grouse. While I may not agree with many points of someone else’s religious practices, I must always understand that it is after all their personal choice and I cannot compel them otherwise. Non-religious, liberal voices have a particularly self-righteous way of holding up the faithful to scrutiny. Why? In your minds, are you better than us for the choices we make inside our hijabs and burqas and with our long beards and short trousers? Is it my clothes that bother you, my overt display of my religion? Or does it peg me in your mind as someone that thinks a certain ‘dhakyanoosi’ way? [I am sorry I cannot come up with a proper English translation for that word – unfashionable, outmoded, backward?]
Again, this works both ways. I might let the extremely conservative be, but will he/she kindly stop asking me to become a better Muslim by covering up, not going out, not doing this, that and the other? To stop haranguing against the ‘kuffaar’ and spreading negativity? Is my mullah going to answer for me on the Day of Judgment? *insert sound of the Last Trumpet* I think not. So, to the religious conservative, kindly pass on your words of wisdom and guidance to me, and then let me do my thing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way in real life.
What is visible in both stories are the kernels of an unsavoury truth that we see all around us – that religion is hijacked by the narrow, often baseless interpretations of a few ‘scholars’ - those ‘deemed’ religious people, who eventually gain huge popularity as stalwarts of Islam versus the evil, decadent West. It is always a case of one-upmanship with these voices – our religion is superior, yours is inferior because of so and so. Unfortunately, this formula seems to be very popular with most. It is also responsible for most of the religious diatribe which taints what is essentially pure.
What is also visible is this other judgmental voice I speak of. The aghast-at-religious-conservatism section which really irritates me. Maya’s character in ‘The Good Muslim’ is clearly outraged at the ‘Islamisation’ of her brother. She despises any show of religiousness [for example a spat she has with a vegetable vendor who replies ‘Allah Hafiz’ instead of ‘Khuda Hafiz’]. In the novel, we see a possible justification for her feeling this way [the horrors of the Bangladesh war for independence are telling], but even so it irks. Other characters are also depicted realistically, always ready to mock religion. This is very common, we see it every day. I see this attitude online in well-read, well-educated people.
Religious judgement works both ways. The flag-bearers of ‘complete freedom and no rules’ versus the flag-bearers of closeted, narrow religious notions – neither are in the right. At the end of the day, ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion.’ Please.
I dont understand what you want to prove. You either want to say that Islam is everything based on Quran. One line you read it and you just stick with it. Ok if everything was supposed to be taken from Quran as a Understanding of religion then what was the need of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Allah must have just carved the Quran onto the mountains of Arabia for Sabbah Haji to translate and tell everyone what is wrong and what is right.
Oh Allah why did you gave troubles to the Prophet (PBUH) at Taif,or trouble to Maaz R.A when he was send to Yemen,why did you gave trouble to Malik Bin Dinar to come to India for constructing 2nd mosque in Islamic History,or what was the need to send Abdullah Bin Khasim to India.
We would had been livnig happily in our homes and the word of Allah would come to us by books people would read Quran and become muslims next day.
Sitting in your house and writing a blog on Islam is very easy. But remember when you are writing something about which you dont know atleast dont insult the hardship of the Prophets and his companions who took so much trouble to bring Islam to your family.
oh and if you did not post my comment here is a video for you to watch. cause your one aayah explaination of whole Islam, will one day lead you to a position, where you wont have the ability to answer questions from non muslims judging Islam based on one aayah from Quran.
Thanks, Yasar! You have sort of proved my point. Even more thanks for assuming you know more about Islam than me. Yay for you. God bless.
I was shocked to see how many people equated Burqa Ban with liberation of Muslim women. I tried to argue against the Ban that if forcing one to wear Burqa was slavery, so was forcing one to not wear it. Clearly, the security reason was a eyewash. As expected, the implementation of the ban has been very tricky.
The one thing that might help one when speaking of God, Religion and spirituality is to remember that we are blind people trying to describe an Elephant.
knowledge is linked to brains faith is linked to hearts. I didn't wrote that to prove I know more than you but i wrote it cause there is a new breed of islam coming up called as liberals they try to misinterpret everything in Islam with their own meaning like one of your pakistani twitter friend(baylinveil) did recently saying that homosexual should be accepted in Islam proving it from some scholars quote from Quran.
I didn't assume that I know more than you cause your article was for a wider audience and you can't write things the way I can if that would be the case it wouldn't be published at all in tehelka.
oh by the way you assuming that I assumed i know more than you makes it clear that you believe that you know more than me. but I am
very skeptical of you I still don't know whether you are a Sunni muslim or a qadiani
ok now that you have shown my comment to your friend baylinveil I just want to add one more thing to my comments faith is linked to hearts and is represented through actions and your support to your friend says it all
if we say there is no compulsion in that mean i as a parent cant force my children to pray namaz or learn deen...or why people in saudi are punished if the miss namaz....
this aayah has its reference to non-muslims(kafir)..... u cant force him/her as non-muslims to follow your deen....u can only tell what is right and what rests on him to choose and we cant force him to follow our deen
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