Tuesday, October 26, 2004

stuffy and nonsense

what a god-awful feeling... i hab a code.. ids vedy disturbing.. mins to say, my head feels like a stuffed something or the other...
an impending implosion makes itself felt.. ye olde internal organs, beware.. as if people didnt think i was snotty enough earlier, i now have actual physical evidence of the same. eeeyuk.

the abovementioned horrific state of affairs has ensued on account of a rash and blink-and-u-miss-it trip to delhi, for nuptial shoppingses. that was the idea.. 3 days in a pleasant delhi for complete trousseau requirements.. all is hunky dory till day 3 when the saba feels squeamish and uneasy in the inner throat region of her anatomy. very crazy shooping for 12 hours plus a dash to various staions and whatnots, cannot and did not help matters...
upshot.. arrival in jmu with an unbalanced state of mind and very heavy suitcases. read as: sick to my stomach..

and that is how things stand today.. to make things better, [it never rains but pours!!], the weather's acting all adoloscency like..
mins to say, cant make up its mind whether it wants to stay a comfy fall,or turn into nail-biting-c-c-c-c-old winter already.. so we have a 2-faced clime to accompany my chills and, err... yes, it must be said, spills.. blanket-wrapping and sockses-tugging has begun in full earnest. life's a lark.
oh hedd..
thats id then. swimmy vision, and jaw-locking headache in tow,
i bid u


1 comment:

Anoopa Anand said...

my poor saab. take a care, only. many loves and missings. and yay! you're writing! :)