Friday, February 04, 2005

feel very bad inside my insides

turns out i didn't go for jethro tull. even though i hate myself muchly for the same, and even though i really couldn't do anything about it. [*mhein khya kharti, thum mheri mhajbhoori khyon nahin samhajhte... gag..bawl..*]..
extra aiches are for added effect, and emotional hindi dialogues require that they be used.

the point is, longblackveil is now married.. other things take preference in life.. like soddy wedding receptions, air-kissing and meeting the aunties' circuit. preference over:
1]the international jazz festival 2005
2] jethro tull in concert
3] 'the graduate'- a play
4] and many-more-other-such-like-thingses

anyway, theres a silver lining...
and this time, peoples, I YAM GOING.

i have the tickets to prove it. yay.
tomorrow it is.
hope all the rest of u lucky toads enjvaai a sting.
i want to know all.

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