Monday, March 17, 2008

Non sequitir

Apropos of nothing, two of my favourite songs in the world, both featuring on the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack. (Which is also my favourite TV show, along with House MD. So now everyone knows I am not a doctor.)
The first one, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, I heard a couple of years ago at work. Along with the Grey's video. Left me nice and glum.

And then there's this one I picked up just a few days ago. It's an interesting video off YouTube.
This a Joseph Arthur composition, In the Sun, but I love Michael Stipes-Coldplay's version. Here we go (the actual song starts at about 01:30):

Alternate videos: here and here.

*Wiping tears*


Ostrich said...

Hail to the grey's anatomy people for picking excellent music. And keeping the show interesting despite grey herself.

I miss cricket! Everyone's a football maniac in England...

longblackveil said...

Yuss, ditto on Meredith Grey.
I had missed all the Grey's episodes on TV so I've been downloading and marathon-watching the series on DVD at home. And I increasingly dislike Grey [Weak. What's with that squinty-eye thing? Haw haw, and when the docs are talking behind their surgical masks, have you seen her eyebrows jiggle like a soap opera drama queen?] Also find Dempsey annoying, not to mention that hussy Alex. Addison is impressive, massive jawline and all.
LOVE Bailey and Yang! Whatte badasses they be. Izzie and O'Malley are the frosting and choco sprinkles.

Sumantics said...

Hellos, I agrees about the Grey part. She is too very color me good. Dempsey with that besotted look got boring after the first couple episodes. But I disagree about hussy Alex - he be HOT! Loves the Nazi too - was hoping to see more of McSteamy, but alas. If only we was where we were 2 years ago, we woulda got a glimpse of Private Practice too, methinks.

Anyhoo, what is with this avoiding, I say? Can you take some time out of your busy-like schedule and meet with us poor folks? I be touring till 26th, post that at least.

Mwahs and all that.