We will hear of and witness on the one hand, cussing of the lowest, vilest, blush-inducing-est order, of TV sets being destroyed, tempers hitting stratospheric levels, unbelievably biased, stupid criticism, and allegations of match-fixing from couch-potato-know-it-alls, and on the other, yelps of uncontrollable joy, humanoid roaring and cheering, goofy patriotic/non-patriotic fervor, intelligent, sportsmanlike and objective remarks on the nobility of the game etc.....
I belong to the latter group. I might throw in a well-meant cuss or two but on the whole I'm going to really, thoroughly enjoy the game. I nose it.
Read here.
Here let me help you. Focus on this especially fascinating section: "Pakistan remains the only unbeaten side in the tournament, having defeated Scotland, tied with India – should we count the 3-0 bowl out verdict as a loss? – and then topping its Super Eight group with victories over sides like Australia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It has scripted its wins on some fine shows by its middle-order batsmen and the bowlers."
Teee heee.
Play val, bwaiiz! Please.....
Indeed...i just hope i have enough fingernail left for tomorrow. I'm gonna need 'em. The t20s have severly uglified my hands!
Two nations of uglified hands... (In some cases uglified toes. Blech.)
Since I couldn't find a latest post on the finals, let me comment here. Wasn't there a blog post somewhere titled "Haaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......!!!!!"?
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